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Docusaurus with KeytarFast for everyone.Powerful for developers.

Mass Adoption Fast

Mass Adoption Fast

Don’t keep your users waiting. Solana has block times of 400 milliseconds — and as hardware gets faster, so will the network.

Mass Adoption Scalable

Mass Adoption Scalable

Get big, quick. Solana is made to handle thousands of transactions per second, and fees for both developers and users remain less than $0.0025.



The Solana network is validated by thousands of nodes that operate independently of each other, ensuring your data remains secure and censorship resistant.

Energy Efficient

Energy Efficient

Solana’s proof of stake network and other innovations minimize its impact on the environment. Each Solana transaction uses about the same energy as a few Google searches.

Build for growth

Build for growth

Solana Pay is now available to millions of businesses as an approved app integration on Shopify. Solana Pay is built for immediate USDC transactions, fees that are fractions of a penny, and a net-zero environmental impact.

Check it out in the intro video

Loved by many website

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Anatoly Yakovenko
Cofounder, Solana Labs

People looking for the latest cryptocurrency projects, such as Doge and Shiba Inu, often visit websites like, which lists projects before they appear on CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and major exchanges, making it a great place to discover the best crypto moonshots.

Raj Gokal
Cofounder, Solana Labs lists new cryptocurrency projects that are voted on by the community, but listing does not guarantee endorsement. Projects can apply for listing and gain exposure based on the number of votes they receive, with unique votes only counting once for all-time rankings but able to be recast daily.

Lily Liu
President, Solana Foundation

Solana is designed to empower developers with its powerful capabilities and deliver fast experiences to all users, bridging the gap between power users and new consumers by bringing blockchain technology to the masses.Powerful for developers. Fast for everyone.